

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Take off...

As the last couple of weeks have passed, we have been able to seal the envelope on a few plans. Our flight for Korea is scheduled for February 10th at an undesirably early hour. (Can't win 'em all!) We have a hotel booked upon arrival and for the most part, our belongings now belong to others! It is actually quite an amazing feeling being able to give all your worldly items away! We have narrowed down the things to pack and some of the items I had originally thought would be at the top, are not even on the list! :) It is rather funny how God works in your heart to change the importance of things you once held dear.
At this point, we could use prayer and maybe a little extra time in the day! ;) Haha. I suppose whatever we don't get taken care of wasn't that necessary to begin with.
Signing off... for now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The plan is...

Taylor recieved the official contract today and the plan is to take off on February 11th. Training will not start until the 18th, but we would like to get slightly adjusted to the time change and new surroundings before orientation. We are hoping to stay with friends in Busan and then perhaps hitch a train to Jeonju for the 10 days of training and culture introduction. There, we will learn Taylor's job placement/assignment as well as where we will be living.
Things are going to be a bit crazy for the next four weeks as we try to wrap up our life here in America, only to begin our adventure in Korea! It is amazing how many details need tending to! :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

We got the call!

December 29, 2009, Taylor got the call notifying us that he had been excepted to teach in the English program in South Korea! Hooray! As we await further details, we are excited to leave for our new adventure in mid February. Six weeks... the countdown begins!